Wednesday, January 11, 2012

America the Beautiful

"O beautiful for spacious skies,"
(both hands move upward oblique while eyes look upward.)

"For amber waves of grain."
(hands and gaze move downward)

"For purple mountain majesties"
(right hand and then left hand is extended upward as eyes follow each movement.)

"Above the fruited plain!"
(Hands moved down to waist length with palms turned down)

"America! America!"
(hands clasped at breast)

"God shed his grace on thee,"
(with hands clasped at breast, eyes are raised upward in entreaty)

"And crown they good with brotherhood,"
(left hand remains at breast and right hand is extended in front with palm down)

"From sea to shining sea."
(right hand is extended toward right and then the left hand is extended toward the left)

"O beautiful for pilgrim feet,"
(look down with hands clasped at waist line)

"Whose stern, impassioned stress"
(take two slow firm steps forward)

"A thoroughfare for freedom beat Across the wilderness!
(both hands sweep outward to sides)

"America! America!"
(hands clasped at breast)

"God mend thine every flaw"
(hands sweep upward and gaze is lifted upward)

"Confirm thy soul in self-control,"
(hands are pressed against breast with palms flattened out)

"Thy liberty is law."
(hands, at should height, sweep out to sides)

"O beautiful for heroes proved"
(look directly forward with hands clasped at waist line)

"In liberating strife."
(hands at waistline, sweep out to sides)

"Who more than self their country loved,"
(eyes are lited upward as right hand is placed at breast)

"And mercy more than life!"
(take two steps forward as right hand is extended in front)

"America! America!"
(sweep both hands out to sides.)

"May God they gold refine"
(both hands sweep forward oblique)

"Till all success be nobleness"
(hands move down to waist line)

"And every grace divine!"
(hand are clasped at breast, and head is raised with eyes looking forward)

"O beautiful for patriot dreams"
(look forward with head slightly tilted and hands clasped below waist line)

"That sees beyond the years"
(peer forward with right hand shading eyes and left hand at breast)

"Thine alabaster cities gleam"
(smile sweetly, and right hand joins the left hand at the breast)

"Undimmed by human tears!"
(right hand sweeps across eyes)

"America! America!"
(hands clasped at breast)

"God shed His grace on thee"
(eyes lifted as hands sweep upward in entreaty)

"And crown they good with brotherhood"
(hands sweep out in front with palms turned down)

"From sea to shining sea!"
(smile as both hands sweep out to sides)

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